Do I Want My Kid In A School Uniform?


School uniforms are sometimes welcomed with a sense of joy or a fervent resentment. If it was the choice of the students, they would have about 50% of them wearing the uniform, and half who wouldn't. This is why it's not entirely up to the students. The governing bodies and schools can either mandate the school uniform or do not care what the students wear (within the limits of course)

The motives behind school uniforms belfast for school are, for majority, simple. The uniforms are a way of ensuring equality between students and fostering a sense belonging to an educational institution and making it easier for parents to ensure their kids are current with the latest trends in fashion and instilling a responsible attitude to education in general. The majority of middle and high school around the globe require wear of uniforms, for very similar reasons. The concept of education is, in the end universal.

The United States, public schools don't have rules for uniforms, instead they use "dress codes" which dictate what is acceptable attire including revealing clothes, garments with offensive slogans or promoting alcohol or tobacco brands. Private schools generally but make it mandatory to wear uniforms. There has been a surge in schools that require uniforms for students and a study conducted in 2002 and published by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) declared that the figure was between 22% and 22% for the purchase of uniforms for school in 2000. Based on the research the majority of students wearing uniforms are found within the States comprising California, Florida, Texas, Illinois and New York. The study went on to release an index of top 10 places that have students wearing uniforms.

Research has also been conducted to study the connection between the absence of a uniform for school in schools and violence at school. The results show that there is an increased likelihood of school violence in students who wear clothes that mimic clothes worn by gangs. Another study has revealed that students who dress in expensive clothing could also be victims of violence, and sometimes, even murder. Students who attend schools that have a higher violent environment are found to be less likely to attend school or even rely on the option of truancy in order to avoid being targeted.

Studies show that the enforcing of uniforms at school has done much to bring level of violence in schools down. The uniforms of schools have contributed directly to discipline among students and improved learning. Insuring that a school uniform is enforced shows the commitment of the school to discipline. There are a variety of arguments being made by those fighting to stop or eliminate the wearing of uniforms at schools. Many even claim that uniforms in schools are in violation of the right to freedom of expression for students. The choice is mostly subjective, and greater involvement of parents is necessary in the making of such major decision-making.

If you're strongly opposed to the policies and decisions you make, such as the requirement of uniforms for school children the ideal place to begin is to be involved in the parent association of the schools your children attend.

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